Samsung recently announced the launch of the world’s first 10.1 megapixel digital still camera, NV10 in the Indian market. Sporting a 2.5-inch wide-view LCD and a Schneider Kreuznach lens with 3x optical zoom (as well as digital zoom of up to 5x), the NV10 promises brighter, sharper, more detailed images. Coupled with Samsung’s Advanced Shake Reduction (ASR) system, the NV10 enables users to take clearer pictures indoors or in lower light conditions. The camera also features TV quality MPEG-4 VGA (640x480) 30fps video recording (zoom and pause), 19-MB internal memory with additional support for add-on MMC/SD card. The NV10 comes complete with a rechargeable battery and can also be charged via USB, or via the optional high-capacity SBP-4442 battery kit. If that’s not enough, the compact camera features what Samsung call ‘Smart Touch’ user interface at the back of the camera that promises ease of use. All this is wrapped up in a slim, black aluminium body which incorporates a built-in pop-up flash. The PictBridge-enabled camera that is priced at Rs 23,990.