Delhi based Intex Technologies has launched a range of four Laptops madels-006LT, 006L, 023GD and 023GC- to mark its foray in the notebooks segment. The models under the 006 series, which are Wi-Fi enabled, boast of Intel Pentium M 1.7GHz 'Donthan' processor with 2MB L2 cache, Intel 915 GM chipsetwith embedded 3D engine andPCMCIA Slot. Weighing in at 3 Kg, these laptops sport a 15.4 inch widescreen and come complete with 256 MB ram, 10/100/1000 Mbps Gigabyte LAN, 4-in-1 card reader and a 40 GB hard drive. The 006LT is priced Rs 55,000 and has a in-built TV tuner card with a remote control thet allows the user to record TV programs to the hard disk while the 006L comes without the TV tuner-card and costs around Rs 53,000. Intex's 023G series with its 14-inch TFT-LCD targets the customer segment seeking a 'value for money' option. These weigh around 2.7 Kg and a run on a 1.2GHz processor with 256 MB RAM and 40 GB hardisk. The 023GD model comes with an in-built combo drive (DVD ROM + CDRW) and costs around Rs 28,000 whereas the 023GC comes with a CD ROM and has been priced at Rs 27,000.
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